It's Jammer time! A unique high-volume, rackless, rando handlebar bag. This bag is perfect for city commuting/road touring/dirt bike packing or casual beach rides - load it up with the essentials and have plenty of room for more gear.
There are two external expanding front pockets with a flap lid. The lid has a 2" strip of 3M reflective and a blinky light loop directly above. This bag was made for either front (for dirt) or rear (for the road) use and will accommodate various bikes, handlebars, and different riding styles.
The closure straps (C.W.S.) were designed to give adjustable positions for the optimal weight to tension ratio. You can load this pup up and cinch it down to create a stiff and compact bag with minimal sway or sag when mounted appropriately.
When fully expanded, the Jammer will reach up to 11L in volume and be rolled down to more than half of that; not big enough for you? Check out the Middle Earth Jammer here.
Use the 550 parachute cord loops at the top to attach with our Universal Shoulder Strap. Carry it off of the bike with ease and style!
Installation Guide Ft. Rat as Rat!
Height: 6"- 14"
Width: 10"
Depth: 5."
Weight: 1lb
Volume: 11L at max height with two rolls down for waterproofing; 5L at the minimum roll.
Max load limit: 20lbs! Respect this bag, and it will continue to give for years to come.
Minimum Front clearance required: 9" measured from the center of the stem faceplate to the top of the tire.
Minimum Rear clearance required: 9" measured from saddle rail to the top of the tire.
Our material selection is ever-expanding and made to fit the look of your bike! The exterior shell comprises 1000D Cordura, with a high denier, seam taped, Rip-Stop nylon liner.
The Jammer Bag uses a roll-top closure combined with dual vertical adjusting straps. We call this our C.W.S.: Closure Webbing System. The C.W.S. creates a 4 point compression (as shown in the photos above) and works to keep the bag cinched tight and give it the 4th mounting point (either around the handlebars or saddle rails), which then eliminates sway and sag. Remove the webbing strap from the d-rings and restring the webbing around the point of interest, then back to the bottom D-ring and up to the roll-top closure buckle.
• Internal stiffener for added stability at handlebar/saddle mounting points
• Dual Expanding Front Pockets
• Front 3M Reflective and Blinky Light Loop
• Adjustable Mounting Techniques
• Seam taped liner for a fully weatherproof main pocket
• YKK Buckles and hardware. Made in the USA Nylon Webbing, Velcro, and buckles
• Front or rear mount ability depending on road conditions and pack load. We suggest a light load for back use, and it performs optimally for road use but can be used in the dirt if packed appropriately, i.e., heavy stuff at the bottom and cinched like hell!